Sunday 25 May 2008

33km on graphs

Ok, I must confess that this technique requires quite some dedication from the user over the cs200cad.
As we have seen, it is able to record a trip up to 5km and produce graphs out of it, which means that if you forget to restart the computer, it continues giving you information but it does not record laps anymore. Therefore, no graphs after 5km - you have to start a new file!

Obviously I have forgotten some times :) but it displays the message [FULL] once in a while.... well... it helps!
Lets have a look over PolarPersonalTrainer and see how does it handle this amount of information.

33km = 330laps (see last post).
Downloading this data to the computer took approx. 5 minutes of beeping! lol

As we can see, 7 files its hard to handle by the interface of PolarPersonalTrainer.
It would be nice to be able to join exercises, since they were done one after another.

Opening a file:I have set some HR limits on my Polar because I knew I was going to ride this long. So it tells me during the ride when I am over or bellow which kind of kicks you a bit :)
If you have the sounds ON, it beeps anytime you're out of the range and everybody around you starts looking at you, so you better catch up :) I really like it! Like this you can set what kind of training thats you want to do.
You can see that as well in the summary of each file on PolarPersonalTrainer:

+ You will enjoy to see detailed information of different parts of your trip although they are 7 parts that you need to open individually.

- You can not compare different files or check overall values for your full trip. Instead you have to refer to the individual parts of it.
Things like total time over HR limits, you have to calculate manually and if you want to check the max. speed, you have to open all seven files one by one and see which one contains the highest value for speed.

Tags: full, memory, PersonalTrainer, sounds, zones

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