Sunday 18 May 2008


I found a way to "force" cs200cad to produce graphs :)

The secret:
go to: /settings/cycling/autolap
Since the site is able to compare laps, you just need to set your cs200cad to record laps automatically of the minimum length available (100m). Then it will start to register absolute values for each lap and being that just 100m it is acceptable to use it as a graph unit.
Each green bar is a unit of 100m and contains speed, HR and cadence values:

Then you just have to switch between graphs to run over time and check your ride a little more in detail :) I love it!

The consequences:1 - By setting your cs200cad to record laps of 100m means that actually you will receive a report on screen every 100m for maybe about 5sec. A bit annoying but you just need to press any button to get back to the normal screen.

2 - cs200cad is able to store 7 exercise files and each file has a memory limitation of 50 laps!!! This mean that each file can record up to 5km of ride, but you can use the 7 files to reach up to 35km! Being that the final limit of your Polar cs200cad :)

Its a bit sad to know that you can use your bike computer for only 35km, but we are beginners and this might be enough for a while :)
TIP: You can always set your cs200cad to record data every 150meters which increases your recording distance of 52,5km or by using 200m you can reach up to 70km. Although I don't find reliable to use more that 100m information units!

Tags: graphs, limitations, tip, trick


Rogério said...

well, finally it's not so bad and you manage to get your graphs !!!! ;) Is it possible to blend the speed and the cadence graphs or am I begging too much ?
Even this is not possible, in the lower block you can cross the cadence and speed of each lap, and it's really good ! Though a graph would be better...

Rogério said...

When you'll get out of the matrix, you might begin to do some records... uh ?
We want records, we want you to give us energy !!!!

Helder Neves said...

Still running tests on this thing :) be patient!

Helder Neves said...

Check out the tests at: