Monday 26 May 2008

How to map 50Km (Photoshop skills)

How to make a chart out of 50Km with your CS200CAD.
If you master an image edditing program you can make a nice chart to show your friends :)
You need photoshop or illustrator skills.

1 - Set AutoLap [on] in 200m interval.
2 - Set AutoStart [on].
3 - Start your ride and remember that you have to start a new file every 10km due to memory limitations. (200meters intevals x 50laps = 10Km)
4 - Download all files to
5 - Go to the section "Laps graphic" and make a print screen of each one.
6 - Join them in a single file one chart after another by time order and you will notice that the hight scale varies in all charts. Because of that we have to rescale them in photoshop.
Select green bars and rescale to an equivalent unit.

7 - Your charts all together might be now 2meters wide :) Impossible to display on screen. Now shrink them to the size of your screen and.... voilá!

8 - If you're patient/skilled enough then its easy to trace a new vectorial line over HR and Speed and you get a completely clean chart that its easy to read and send my email to your friends.

If you do not want to have all this work, you HAVE to buy POLAR CS400!!!
The price of a chart like this one is 400€!!! ...fodace!

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