Sunday 18 May 2008

Polar PersonalTrainer - Limitations

So far I was really happy until this point!
Its cute of Polar to provide us this "online diary",

but soon you understand that it is not enough!!!

It shows your progress over the months,

but if you want to isolate and analise a specific ride/exercise,

it just provides information on averages and maximums. As well as the time that you have spend in each HR zone and thats all. No graphs or charts to see the progress over the time!

I was starting to get really frustrated so I wrote to Polar.
Then I realized that I have forgotten little detail while researching for bike computers.
I assume that if you can connect it to a PC its logic that you can access detailed information on your ride BUT its not!
It was really hard to get any information on that matter on the web.
You should get information about it before because some of them allows you to connect to a PC just for fun :\
Therefore you cannot see any graphs or charts about it because the data contains just absolute values.

Tags: graphs, limitations,

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