Thursday 12 June 2008

80%mhr over 15min!!

"Print a real scale Lion and hang it to your tail"

Yes, thats the best if you want to push your anaerobic limits.
In this exercise I did not plan anything, I just had 20min to reach something before it closes and off I go... Oslo -Økern

4,7km in 14'55min

8min above 80%mhr
7min below 80%mhr



I think I am ready to start serious speed trainings of at least 2min!
I feel so pleased to see a constant heart rate :)
Its a much pleasant trip with a constant heart beat than a floating one.

Actually I use to do this track often before but I have never monitored it.
Its a quite nice route, it has a lot of different atmospheres during those 5k, small streets, parks, bridges, high-ways... you have to cross a bit of everything, its cool and not monotonous at all!


Rogério said...

"Print a real scale Lion and hang it to your tail"
I really liked this thought !!!!

7 min around your anaerobic treshold ! Great !

EasyRunner said...

joder!!!! porque coño teneis siempre que hablar con termos que no os entiendo???? no tengo tiempo para pesquisar tanpoco, así que, POR FAVOR, explicarme que es "80%mhr"!!!!

Helder Neves said...

ei chica, tómalo con calma, que estoy escribiendo una mierda de articulo sobre la frecuencia cardiaca solo para ti :p
Tal como tu no tenido tiempo para escribir-lo...

"mhr" stands for Max. Heart Rate.
esto es lo numero de batidas máximo que tuyo corazón puede por minuto.

un beso

Rogério said...

putain !!!! I already sent her a mail ! lol