Monday 9 June 2008

Any progress?

Time to compare the same route withing 3week:

"Oslo to Kringsjå"

3weeks ago:


2min faster :)
I am getting close to the subway speed!!!
If you take the tube from the closest station it takes about 16min and now I can do it in 19min!!

Haha.. Im gonna beat it one day ;)

You know... I really start wondering about the altitude measurer.
It is completely different to compare exercises in different terrains.
Hummm... my Polar is getting limited! hummm ...and its boring to produce these charts by hand. Although if you do it... this information kinda sticks to your brain!!!
Might be quite inutile to know this information about Oslo terrains, once you can not share it with anyone!!! :D

"...oh, oh, lets go there, I love those 8%

Keep moving, I am planning another 50k ;)


Rogério said...

Oh Kringsjå !!! This name sounds very well in my head !
I'm sure you'll able to do it in less than 16 minutes. 3 minutes are nothing since you just began a serious training.

Helder Neves said...

Maybe, but it is always uphill!!!
Need big muscles bike standing up. Thats the fastest way.