Sunday 15 June 2008

REAL 50k " 2h22m "

" 21pm... oh shit!, I feel like going for a ride..."

Oslo - Nosoddtangen

20km/h = Avg Speed
09min over 80%mhr
1500 = Calories


It is tough, definitely it is... but just the last 10km which I start to insult every hill that faces me until I get over then :)
First, my butt starts to pain (as usually), then my back (kidneys zone) and finally my shoulders. I really have to work out locally my back.
The last 10k were done at 11pm and I was starting to feel a bit cold, not good... not good!!!
After that I just remember to arrive home and eat 6white eggs and fall in my bed. What a nice feeling.
Today there is no pain :) and hopefully the proteins are repairing my muscles :) cant wait to tray again!!!! oohhh... this reminds me of Sangoku!!! My hero!!!

I am eating just once during the trip. Need to start doing it every 30min, but I hate to stop. Then its much dificult to get on the rhythm again.


Rogério said...

It's so cool to have a goal and then training for that ! 50 km is probably the distance you're gonna do each day in Lofoten ? No ? (or more if you decide to ! héhé)
Wow you got a very good heart rate average ! ~75% no ? Perfect to go biking hours and hours ! lol
You only drank 0,5l of water ? You didn't need more ?

You already have the hair cut of Sangoku !!!!

You work out 3 times a week, no ? Don't you feel that you need to eat more than before ? huh ?

Rogério said...

by the way, your "altitude vs distance" graph is really good ! It's a shame to do them manually :(

Helder Neves said...

Well... I got 2 versions on my trip. A 130km path and a 320km path. I dont want to plan it actually. But I will try not to take the longest path.

To make 50km a day its easy. The problem is doing it in 2h :) I think that in Lofoten I will do 50 a 100km a day depending on the mood.
Actually I start thinking that its really short time because imagine that I find a place that I want to stay for more than one day.. hummm THATS WHY I am training. In case I waste a loot of time, than I have to rush and I need to be in shape for more than 50k a day.

My HR avg is ok. I mean, I am happy and I dont thing I will need better for Lofoten, since its completely flat!

I really have to start drinking more water and eat more. The problem is that my body dont ask for it.

And yes I feel like eating more than before, but I mean more times a day, not more at once ;)

Rogério said...

100km ?!!! Come on, that's you my hero now !!!
By the way, is there life in Lofoten ? I mean civilisation ?

Helder Neves said...

Man, 100km in ONE day its OK!!! I believe many people can do that with no training. Imagine that you have 10hours to do that. It’s an extreme slow rhythm!!!
The problem is really trying to do it in a good timing.
I am getting tempted to do that actually. But I have to buy a new saddle first.

Rogério said...

well, I remember that I did 90km in one day but in two times and I remember that it was hard. But it's true that I did it with a good speed.