Thursday 10 July 2008

So much to share...

Total length: ~200km
Average spd: 13km/h
Injuries: 1
Traveling with a bike is such a freedom! Maybe the same as walking but faster :)
After 18hours in a train I got the first feeling of freedom, getting out of the train and collect my luggage, which in this case was a bike. So you just feel and depending on your own from scratch.

Cycling offers you a fantastic perception of the surroundings:

...and after 5min on road I understood that was much more to live than cycling, all my training preparation for nothing?! ...well I started up cycling really slow and stopping all the time and hiking, yes that was something I didnt plan to do but the mountains there are breath taking:

So here is my daily report:
Night 1: ~20km + 600m
Night 2: ~35km + 300m
Night 3: ~20km + 200m
Night 4: ~66km + 000m
Night 5: ~35km + 000m

Ok, I didnt really had plan to engage in any hiking, so I was definitely not ready for all this exercise.
How did it ended up? On the forth night I got a problem on my right knee and after that my trip was never the same! On the same day I was biking 80% with my left leg since my right knee was in pain.
I think I have overworked it with all the climbings + biking :(
It was really sad to see that I could handle my muscles pain, but not my knee pain.

Road road and road.... After 65km I had to stop and sleep.
12hours of rest was not enough for my knee to recover but on the 5th night I realize that the knee pain disappear if I stand up cycling. But this kind of exercising uses the same muscles than hiking and I was getting really broken upon my arrival.

Downhill with a lot of weight:
It can be really fast with all the loaded weight, I've reached 57km/h :)
I havent weighted my bike as I showed you it was quite packed.
I would guess 20kg.

Camping was just perfect, seeking for the right spot, having a better view than in any hostel:

This day when "no worries" but when I woke up the tide has rised up to my tend :) that was close!!!

After this experience I went deep on the experience and I camped in an "island". When I woke next morging is wasnt possible to go back to land, and I had to wait 2hours for the tide to become low again:

I loved that feeling, waiting for the tide...

Once I arrived to my friends place at Svolvær, the feeling was fantastic but everithing seemed wrong. Too warm being in a house. I went for a cold shower and I got better.

Muscle pain:
I have stretched every day before sleep but I actually thing that one should do it every time we stop.
It took me 3days until the muscle pain was complectly gone. Massages and stretching... definitly it helps to continue some easy exercise... on the 3day we went jogging for 30min and on the next morning I was perfectly recovered.
My knee problem thow its still going on :(


We went fishing with some friends and it gave me so much energy that first thing I did once I arrive to Oslo was to buy a fishing rod.... cant wait to give it a try!!!!

oh ohhhh... another thing, I saw a lot of sailing boats... that's written on wish-list ;)

Sum up:

What I can tell about this trip in relation to this blog is:
If you plan to cycle, then cycle! Dont get addicted to mountain climb or swimming, just cycle!
Just by doing that you can really test your training. In another hand you have to understand your body limits and even if you sleep well one night, there are injuries that take more than that to recover.

1 comment:

Jani Bohni said...

Your pictures look beautiful...Lofoten are such a nice place.

I'm sorry for your knee. The knees are always bastards. Actually mine is not making strange noises any more since I started biking regularly. I think, if you build up muscles around it, it is more least that's what I heard from a guy whose knee is completely destroyed ;)

Anyway, I'm really impressed by your trip, but where are the puffins??? Maybe they could have carried you :)...