Tuesday 5 August 2008

Pombal by bike


Rogério said...

pffff I'm so happy to see this map !!!! I miss so much this place ! :'(
Finally Pombal is not so small ! 30 minutes between your house and mine ! The same betweem my house and my sister's one (one hour go back)

Rogério said...

I was wondering about this map... and hum, in fact Pombal is not big, then why those so long times ?... I guess it's the difference of altitude which increases the time, no ?!
I'm curious about how many time you took climbing up to Barrocal ?! Only on the climbing up part of course... (and the same about climbing up to Charneca)

Helder Neves said...

The time is measured from the Center of Pombal, so that means that from Barrocal to Charneca CAN BE less than 30min, because its DOWNHILL half of the way :)

O would say that the area of Pombal is big but it is not dense at all :)

Rogério said...

pfff How I didn't remember this detail ???!