Monday 1 September 2008

Bamberg: by Bicycle

by Jana


Jani Bohni said...

Ok, next try...
Great idea!!!! I'm going to take the challenge, even if it comes unasked ;P. Just need to find the centre of Bamberg first ;)

Helder Neves said...

I am sure that you have a rough perception of it already.
I composed a map although I haven't been to all those places but its a matter of checking it out afterwards as well.
For me that is the motivation, "create and check" you have to prove it ;) I am gonna make a post out of this comment actually, Thanks!

Veldig fint bilde ;)

Rogério said...

Hello Jana :p
How are you ?

You also fell in Helder's experimentation ?! héhé !

Don't forget to see the final of Euro tomorow lol ! I'll support Germany... even if Mannschaft broke our chances to reach victory !


Jani Bohni said...

Hey Rogério!

Just saw your comment now...ahhh, we lost! But we still love the team ;).

I'm fine. In the last weeks of my studies and then the real life starts.

How are you doing?

Rogério said...

Hello Jana, have you lost your bike ? lolololol


Jani Bohni said...

The waiting is over ;) Finally I managed to do the map of Bamberg. Thanks for putting it, Helder. This is my last tribute to Bamberg before going back to the darkness of the Thuringian Forest.

It's centred around my centre...the student dorm Pestalozzistraße.

And Rogé, I didn't lose my bike...I destroyed