Friday 17 April 2009


From Nasjonalteater to Kringsjå.

I have started a new method of cycling in order to beat the unbeatable!
Specially on this tour where I keep on trying to beat the subway, ...silly, I know! But even for silly things we need some strategy. Ok... I do! :) Since I have been trying and trying but I cannot get a better record than the 22m15s.

So I am trying now to increase my anaerobic tolerance in order to get better performance. For that I created a new "Force Training".
In this mode, although it might look really similar trainings (by the values shown), though the "Force training" is much hard.

The fact that the cadence is now lower, it requires more power per revolution. That, of course, decreases performance and until today I always did worst timings on this mode. Today I got it on the same timing as the best record on "Performance training" so it is worth compare! :)
In terms of energy consumption it does not look much more but believe me... its terrible and beautiful!!! heheh

"Force Training" stimulates another type of muscle fibers that requires more oxygen to work.
I wanted to inhale the whole world when I was doing it!
The good side of it is that it increases your tolerance to work in anaerobic mode. So, hopefully I will go back to "Performance training" and be able to break my record of 22min.

Force training is essential if you want to improve your records!
In this particular case I got the same record but its not suppose so. We just use the Force training to prepare your fitness and then go back to normal training (the performance one) and then break our records!

Good luck!
Helder Neves


Anonymous said...

This time I made it from Station to Station. Its hard to compete like this. Its 1km more than in the last track.
This one is going to be hard to beat at 80%HR!!!

Rogério said...

Good workout ! 14 min above 80% HRmax! You actually made a treshold training ! :D
You know what ? You have to ride at 23 km/h to beat the subway, do you think is it possible ?!!! For me I'm sure you can do it !! But after you must change all your pants because your thighs definitely won't fit in them and we will call you Helder the chicken legs ! lol

Anonymous said...

I am aware of what can be tuned up: I have to raise up cadence to lower the time over 80%HRmax. That will give me some hear beats left to be used on strength that together with the right gear it might get 1 or 2 min better.
But 23km/h UPHILL?!?! Are you insane? That would cost my life!!! Plus, I would have to abandon the 80%hr rule! And that is the strategy :)

Rogério said...

Hi !
One thing first, I don't understand if you really want to stay at 80% hrmax to beat the record ?
Now, in my opinion and as far as I know this your new training is definitely good. Actually, you're increasing your "torque" but mainly in the aerobic muscle fibers. It's there I don't really agree with what you wrote, I think you don't use another type of muscle fibers (at least you don't switch totally). At 84% hrmax you're using mainly the red muscle fibers, the aerobic ones. A pure anaerobic effort can't be sustained for about more than 5 minutes. But it doesn't mean your workout doesn't match with what you're expecting. In fact you are develloping a better tolerance towards the loads of acid lactic (85% hrmax it's the treshold for that) and you are improving your "stamina of force" that is a normal evolution of your aerobic abilities (because you haven't reach yet your maximum). Your muscles and cardio system are going to fit this new effort, the consequence is you will be able to use a lower cadence for the same speed or better, the same cadence than before but a higher speed.
It's my vision but I confess that I have a certain lack of exeprience in this bicycle world. The gear system changes a lot of things in comparison with the running world.
Well, I have to say that I'm really impress when I see the numbers, 65rpm to 41rpm for the same performance and almost the same heart rate it's just amazing !

Congrats then !

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the replay. It made me rethink some concepts.
I went to check the DATA and you're totally right. After all, just on the last 1,2km I was "maybe" on anaerobic mode. The HR was at 90% for over 5min! That was the feeling that I kept in mind. The suffering! :) We always remember bad things, that's why!
But another detail of this training is that it was done "standing up" on the bike 100% of the time. Thats why I felt confident about the type of training and the muscles involved but as you have made clear, it might not be that linear!
Anyway, this might at least contribute for a better management of oxygen intake and that for sure brings some benefits to the normal training.
I am tempted to change tires to beat this fu***** subway, but that wont happen :)
Just in the last day before I leave Oslo!!!

Anonymous said...

About keeping at 80%Hrmax, I know that it is not possible. In fact it works more as a motivation for avoiding to cycle up the mountain like a beast. Like this I try to be as efficient as possible on the energy that I use. Even if in the end I will go over it, of course!