Tuesday 27 May 2008

RideTime or ExeriseTime?

What is the difference?
and ExeriseTime!

is the time used actively on the exercise.
ExerciseTime is the time spent from the moment you start the device to the moment that you stop the device.

When you transfer the data to your PC, the program often readthe ExerciseTime and instead of the RideTime. "Ridetime is the one used by the Polar for calculations, therefore it might be the one that you are interested in".

To correct this wrong time value, (or in other words, to make the both times match the RideTime), go to Settings/Bike/AutoStart, and set it to ON. Now the RideTime and ExeriseTime should match*.
Didnt find this answer in any forums and decided to test it myself. :) Hope you find it useful as well!

*Even when you set autostart ON the timings will never match exactly. They vary few seconds because the Ride time sensor has a lag to start and stop. But no worries, it is quite accurate!

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