Thursday 29 May 2008

50k before a break!

I am going to be away to ski for 4days, so yesterday I took my first 50k. It was about 2h30m on road.


(+) I love to do it at 8am because of the bike traffic on road. It reminds me on the jam in Lisbon, and the old times driving there. hehehe
(+) Its so nice to feel that you can get anywhere faster than the bus :)
(-) I hate to slow down or stop. It is terrible to get back to the same rhythm. (ex: to fill up your bottle, to pee, to ask directions or be asked...)
(-) I hate to take the same way back home.
(-) I hate when you aim for 50k and you arrive home and you see just 47km :) and then you cant stop LOL
(-) My butt hurts after 50k. Shit!!!! I got a buy a new saddle!

Keep in touch


Rogério said...

No ! No ! No ! I must to say No !
50 km yet ?!
You're breaking my own records, do you understand that ?! I don't really want to run a marathon tomorow, it's too soon ! :p
Calm down please !
You're incredible :D You've improved your stamina a lot.
And now, you're going to ski ! You're a real sportsman !

I just took my HRmin after a real rest, I get 48 ! It's pretty cool no ?! I wish I took it one year before in order to compare. What's yours ?

EasyRunner said...

o quê???? você tá parvo??? 50 kml???

oh mano, para com isso que isso não pode ser bom pá tua saude ok?

anda lá volta ao sedentarismo que isso é que rula!

EasyRunner said...

eu tenho inveja.... pois se queres saber na semana passada no ginásio fiz 23 kml em bicicleta!!!!!! toma!!!!

EasyRunner said...

lo siento... no tengo tiempo de leer todo tu blog.... me quedo muy triste porque queria acompañar todo tu ritmo y todas esas experiencias geniales que estas teniendo con tus cuadriceps!!!

yo bati mi nuevo record! estoy corriendo a 10.3kml\h!!! no tengo tiempo de actualizar mi blog pero cuando pueda voy a postar novidades!!!

estudiar, y estudiar....

EasyRunner said...

ok I’ve read all post! I’m ready to comments everything with wisdom 

I have some question for you:

Have you changed your alimentation plan to induce power or strength? Do you do other kind of exercise besides biking? Do you have a new body already? :D

How can I measure my HRmin? You could dedicate a post explaining de HR thing… should I measure mine? Is that important?
Huge sport hug!!

p.s how was the 4 days skiing?vor

EasyRunner said...

HEY ROGERIO! get a blog too!!! but instead of posting about sport you could post about pasteis de tentugal :D

Rogério said...

you're right Vania, I should get a blog about portuguese pastry héhé ! Or better, I think I'm gonna open a blog about nutrition and sports ! So I could explain how we can eat pizza, pastry and keep in shape ! ;)

Helder Neves said...

oh please... do that rogerio!
I got a first question for your blog.
I love olive oil and I know that its:
How can I drink at least 1liter per month and be in shape?