Sunday 25 May 2008

First Speed training

The goal was suppose to be intervals of 2min as its recommended but I am not able to do it yet :)

So here is the exercise today,
4x 1min @80~90% HRmax

The idea of this type of exercise is to work your speed sustain. I read that professionals can do it for 12min intervals. I think I'll need some years more :)
You should not override the 90% of your maximum heart rate for a long time because you are working in anaerobic area. This exercise helps to improve your anaerobic dependency, which means that with the time your body will get a better tolerance to it or in other words you get a wider range of aerobic.
A sufficient recovery between your intervals is very important giving your body time to "deal" with the acid produced.
None of this important specs were a problem to me! First I can not reach 90%HRmax :) second I need bigger intervals because I get totally wasted :) As we can see in the chart, the recovery intervals seem to increase exponentially. LOL
1min sprint + 2min recovery + 1min sprint + 6min recovery + 1min sprint + <20min>

Doing it on road can be sometimes a limitation, because you can not break your rhythm so you have to find the right conditions.
Its quite fun though, it is like hunting the right spot for sprint. Once you have even terrain its very pleasant because you can see your speed rising, kind of a motivation! But if you're out just for training performance, then don't hunt it!, instead do it uphill, it gives a much faster response from your heart.
But for me biking its not about performance, but a pleasure, a trip, ...


Rogério said...

Hiya !

In first, congrats for your first speed workout :D You probably felt that it's a way to train a little more funny ?! Speed brings catecholamines, dopamines, endorphins... well, only good drugs ;)
Now about your HR, how have you measured your HRmax ? Hope you're not using your theorical HRmax... (cf : gaussian distribution =>

And do you know which cadence you used for the sprints ? It might be interessting to know the cadence when you hit the 90%HRmax, and so this cadence could be an accurate reference for your next speed workouts (since this cadence matches always the same power produced (on plane ground and with the same gear obviously))

Now, the last but not the least question : how do you build your sprints ? Do you use several gears or only one ? Big gear and low cadence or small gear and higher cadence ? I feel this part very interessting because it gives you several combinations of training (working strength or power)

I really like the name of your blog, it looks like a name of an american and succesful tv serie ! :p

Helder Neves said...

Hummm, very interesting feedback :)

Yes its funny and it changes your mind completely, once you know that you're on road for training something specifically.

I post recently new stuff that might answer your other questions :)