Sunday 8 June 2008

500m swimming

12km cycling uphill + 500m swimming

I found a very nice track of ~10km always uphill side by side with a river. Its great!

Bike = 12km in 49min. I know that its too slow :/
Swim= 32meters/min. I feel my arms now ;)

Its true that I have just been working my legs
nofatmorerunning was reminding me of that I have to train other things them legs, because biking is a quite locally working out.
rogerio Is always reporting big challenges such as multi-sports that I always think its impossible for me :) But why not give it a try at your own rhythm?

Yes, I had my first multi-sport day, swimming in the middle of the cycling tour its just excellent. And since I am going to Lofoten, this seem to match perfectly :) Who knows if I'll have to cross the sea with my bike :)

Ok thats all for today. I will try to take it serious and come back to you with time records.


EasyRunner said...

multi sports is the best!!! when I do speed improvement work out, at the end I always train other parts of my body (or they will be sad, and jealous of my legs :P)

I use to do 40 min of row….I love it! I can feel all the muscle in my back, arms and “breast”!!!!

it’s amazing work out! I feel like buying a kayak and go to “barragem do cabril” and spend a full afternoon rowing!!!

And of course, we have to stretch! Its good for all the body, and there are some really good exercises’ for back and arms! :)

Rogério said...

Hello my sweet and devious cousins,
I use to do multi sports, run in the morning and body building in the end of afternoon but I never saw it like multi sport, don't know why !
What I know is that we need a lot of motivation and energy to exercise two times a day ! Sometimes I'm so tired in the final of the day but I succeed to find a dust of energy in the bottom of myself to complete my bodybuilding session ! And after I'm always happy to have did this effort, this feeling is the best reward !
I feel like Helder, I like when my training looks like a trip. When I'm running I really like long routes. That's why I like the "atlhon" concept, just because we can "travel" doing different activities... And one day I'll go to Vieira or Pedrogão biking, swimming and running I swear !! It's my aim ! And come on, I dream about Fatimacorrer ! Hope I find the motivation one day to do it because we're talking about life actually ! What's life if we don't have any goals ?

Rogério said...

I forgot to ask you how did you swim ? Crawl or breaststroke ?

Helder Neves said...

Vania, you dont want a kayak to go to barragem do cabril once a year. You do want one that is allways attached to the roof of your car and use it anytime. This is an order!!!

I meet a guy in Førde that does that and I even told him about you Vania. You would love to do that, I am sure!
He fishes too, isnt it great?!

Helder Neves said...

Rogerio, from Pombal to Ervedeira is 26K. You can at least prepare for a biAthlon. Crossing Ervedeira lakes is 700m.

When I swam I crawl, breaststroke, doggy style, Indian style, Portuguese style.. everything to get to the shore again LOL

Rogério said...

I already read sites about swimming ! :) It will be my new passion ! I want to do triathlon !
26 km it's really nothing by bike héhé ! So I think this is really accessible. And I don't forget that Pedrogao is at 5km from Ervedeira (5 km is nothing, I'm sure that you can run this distance ! your bike trainings are transferable believe me!)
How many time can we take to reach the beach ? hum... 1h18 biking, 22 minutes swimming and 42 minutes running ! 2h22 to reach the beach !!!! It's nothing Helder ! If we leave at 7AM, we arrive at 9h22 héhé And using only a natural method, no gas-oil only bananas :D

I'm curious to see the portuguese style :D

Rogério said...

I'm gonna register this following blog name: "no gas-oil only bananas" lololol