Monday 3 May 2010

Tromsø: by Bicycle

Tromsø from a bicycle perspective:
...still tuning up but its mostly like this! :)

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Friday 17 April 2009


From Nasjonalteater to Kringsjå.

I have started a new method of cycling in order to beat the unbeatable!
Specially on this tour where I keep on trying to beat the subway, ...silly, I know! But even for silly things we need some strategy. Ok... I do! :) Since I have been trying and trying but I cannot get a better record than the 22m15s.

So I am trying now to increase my anaerobic tolerance in order to get better performance. For that I created a new "Force Training".
In this mode, although it might look really similar trainings (by the values shown), though the "Force training" is much hard.

The fact that the cadence is now lower, it requires more power per revolution. That, of course, decreases performance and until today I always did worst timings on this mode. Today I got it on the same timing as the best record on "Performance training" so it is worth compare! :)
In terms of energy consumption it does not look much more but believe me... its terrible and beautiful!!! heheh

"Force Training" stimulates another type of muscle fibers that requires more oxygen to work.
I wanted to inhale the whole world when I was doing it!
The good side of it is that it increases your tolerance to work in anaerobic mode. So, hopefully I will go back to "Performance training" and be able to break my record of 22min.

Force training is essential if you want to improve your records!
In this particular case I got the same record but its not suppose so. We just use the Force training to prepare your fitness and then go back to normal training (the performance one) and then break our records!

Good luck!
Helder Neves

Thursday 2 October 2008

Tuesday 9 September 2008


From Pilestredet to Bærum city hall, 14.7km
by Train: 34min (bike in the train, without waiting and buy the ticket)
by Bike: 41min

Speed: 22km/h
%HRmax: 77%
Above 80%: 5m07s
Cadence: 67rpm

Paris : Running

Paris seems so small like this...

by Rogério

Monday 8 September 2008

% of HRmax ?

No, I am not a high performance cyclist!
% of HRmax represents your heart beats per minute, converted into percentage for a better understand.
I normally cycle between 70 and 80% of my heart limit. That is a moderate training that most healthy humans can do!
Check the graph bellow and you can see how easy is to beat "Faster by Bike" challenges!

Saturday 6 September 2008

Friday 5 September 2008

60K - Distance Record

61,5km = 3h08min
Hønefoss - Oslo

Our HR is much lower in long distances than in short ones. I believe that it has to be with a psychological fact related to the consciousness of the distance that you are up to.
I hate the Wind. I have the feeling it is always agains me!
Someone told me in Lofoten that your knees will hurt badly sometimes before you can say that you are a biker. If thats true, this time was my other knee. The problem was exactly the same as in Lofoten. So I guess that we have to pass through this!!!
I got lost 2 times so I am sure that I can easily beat this record considering a good knee as well!

Manhattan : Running

by Rogério

Thursday 28 August 2008

Monday 25 August 2008

Knee back again!

I am back on track! 40km today :) I am not used to it anymore!
Plus, I am trying a new saddle. This time was a 110€ one and after 30min I was in pain!
I really dont know what to buy! The shops should have testing models like this one I tried.

My knee is working but I feel that its not a normal knee!
...anyway, I will try to tune it up with a gym reinforcement therapy.

Monday 14 July 2008

11 days after

Today, 11days after my knee injure, I still can not bike as before :(
Some other cyclists on road told me:

"I use to have problems on the "knee caps" when I started biking, than you get used to it and it disappear."

Well I really hope so..... because yesterday I have jogged for 30min instead of biking my usual long distance trip.

I can jog :) no pain!!!

Maybe I will learn how to run, since I have to give a pause to cycling :)

Thursday 10 July 2008

So much to share...

Total length: ~200km
Average spd: 13km/h
Injuries: 1
Traveling with a bike is such a freedom! Maybe the same as walking but faster :)
After 18hours in a train I got the first feeling of freedom, getting out of the train and collect my luggage, which in this case was a bike. So you just feel and depending on your own from scratch.

Cycling offers you a fantastic perception of the surroundings:

...and after 5min on road I understood that was much more to live than cycling, all my training preparation for nothing?! ...well I started up cycling really slow and stopping all the time and hiking, yes that was something I didnt plan to do but the mountains there are breath taking:

So here is my daily report:
Night 1: ~20km + 600m
Night 2: ~35km + 300m
Night 3: ~20km + 200m
Night 4: ~66km + 000m
Night 5: ~35km + 000m

Ok, I didnt really had plan to engage in any hiking, so I was definitely not ready for all this exercise.
How did it ended up? On the forth night I got a problem on my right knee and after that my trip was never the same! On the same day I was biking 80% with my left leg since my right knee was in pain.
I think I have overworked it with all the climbings + biking :(
It was really sad to see that I could handle my muscles pain, but not my knee pain.

Road road and road.... After 65km I had to stop and sleep.
12hours of rest was not enough for my knee to recover but on the 5th night I realize that the knee pain disappear if I stand up cycling. But this kind of exercising uses the same muscles than hiking and I was getting really broken upon my arrival.

Downhill with a lot of weight:
It can be really fast with all the loaded weight, I've reached 57km/h :)
I havent weighted my bike as I showed you it was quite packed.
I would guess 20kg.

Camping was just perfect, seeking for the right spot, having a better view than in any hostel:

This day when "no worries" but when I woke up the tide has rised up to my tend :) that was close!!!

After this experience I went deep on the experience and I camped in an "island". When I woke next morging is wasnt possible to go back to land, and I had to wait 2hours for the tide to become low again:

I loved that feeling, waiting for the tide...

Once I arrived to my friends place at Svolvær, the feeling was fantastic but everithing seemed wrong. Too warm being in a house. I went for a cold shower and I got better.

Muscle pain:
I have stretched every day before sleep but I actually thing that one should do it every time we stop.
It took me 3days until the muscle pain was complectly gone. Massages and stretching... definitly it helps to continue some easy exercise... on the 3day we went jogging for 30min and on the next morning I was perfectly recovered.
My knee problem thow its still going on :(


We went fishing with some friends and it gave me so much energy that first thing I did once I arrive to Oslo was to buy a fishing rod.... cant wait to give it a try!!!!

oh ohhhh... another thing, I saw a lot of sailing boats... that's written on wish-list ;)

Sum up:

What I can tell about this trip in relation to this blog is:
If you plan to cycle, then cycle! Dont get addicted to mountain climb or swimming, just cycle!
Just by doing that you can really test your training. In another hand you have to understand your body limits and even if you sleep well one night, there are injuries that take more than that to recover.

Saturday 28 June 2008

Take OFF! :)

Folks... I dont have time to write much, having my train in some minutes!

Its crazy to pack things in a bike. There is no space!!! AARRRRGGGG
And I manage to destroi a tube while inflating it. Unbelievable!

I hope that a video will be available by tonight at youtube. I just uploaded it but I couldn't retrieve the right link yet. Check out at my page!

Pictures worth thousands words so, see you guys next week ;)

Wednesday 25 June 2008

Milano: by Bike

Coming soon...

Inverting Biological Clock

This last week I have been sleeping and eating well. Decide not to take any hard training because I don't want to get hurt.

I am inverting my Biological Clock as planned because I will ride during the "night". There is no night in Lofoten :)
By tomorrow it should be complete.
Its a bit hard to meet People while having this new rhythm but its funny that I am going to bed now for 9hours of sleep :) Hopefully!

Cant wait to test it on the mid-night-sun everyday! By the way, the weather forecast it terrible and I am having problems loading all equipment to the bike. Cant find a proper bag. Miss the huge shops in Portugal

ok, thats all for today,

Good day!

Monday 23 June 2008

50k... not alone!!! . . . 2h10m

Nosoddtangen - Oslo

22km/h = Avg Speed . . .(2km/h fast )
56min over 80%mhr. . .(47min more)
1750 = Calories . . . . . . . .(250cal more)

This time I invited a friend and he accepted it! Yes its not easy to find someone willing to...
Normally I prefer to do it alone on my rhythm. Its bad if I have to slow down, waiting someone but that was not the case. He had to slow down for me!!!

Ok this resulted on a record, of course :) 2h10min
And.... yes I feel my muscles today!!!

Some pain still on my back while cycling but its ok.

Monday 16 June 2008

Pombal: Running

Coming in September 2008...

by: Vânia

INTRO - The Challenge

Without cars, cities would definitely have a different structure.
Here you can find walking, running and biking distances in modern cities.

All distances refer to the city center and the following colours refer to the time needed from the city center to any point on these lines:

If you walk, run or bike often then I am sure that you have a rough perception of the distances in your city.


Compose a map, (even though not accurate because you haven't been everywhere but its a matter of checking it out afterwords ;)
"This way you train your mind as well"

For me that is the motivation, "create and check", you have to prove its possible to others ;)

Send me your maps. I'll post them with a link signature to your profile or personal web-page!

Sunday 15 June 2008

REAL 50k " 2h22m "

" 21pm... oh shit!, I feel like going for a ride..."

Oslo - Nosoddtangen

20km/h = Avg Speed
09min over 80%mhr
1500 = Calories


It is tough, definitely it is... but just the last 10km which I start to insult every hill that faces me until I get over then :)
First, my butt starts to pain (as usually), then my back (kidneys zone) and finally my shoulders. I really have to work out locally my back.
The last 10k were done at 11pm and I was starting to feel a bit cold, not good... not good!!!
After that I just remember to arrive home and eat 6white eggs and fall in my bed. What a nice feeling.
Today there is no pain :) and hopefully the proteins are repairing my muscles :) cant wait to tray again!!!! oohhh... this reminds me of Sangoku!!! My hero!!!

I am eating just once during the trip. Need to start doing it every 30min, but I hate to stop. Then its much dificult to get on the rhythm again.

Thursday 12 June 2008

80%mhr over 15min!!

"Print a real scale Lion and hang it to your tail"

Yes, thats the best if you want to push your anaerobic limits.
In this exercise I did not plan anything, I just had 20min to reach something before it closes and off I go... Oslo -Økern

4,7km in 14'55min

8min above 80%mhr
7min below 80%mhr



I think I am ready to start serious speed trainings of at least 2min!
I feel so pleased to see a constant heart rate :)
Its a much pleasant trip with a constant heart beat than a floating one.

Actually I use to do this track often before but I have never monitored it.
Its a quite nice route, it has a lot of different atmospheres during those 5k, small streets, parks, bridges, high-ways... you have to cross a bit of everything, its cool and not monotonous at all!

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Its all about technique!

...and Cod :)

17g proteins
07g fat

+olive oil, (of course) hehehe

Monday 9 June 2008

Any progress?

Time to compare the same route withing 3week:

"Oslo to Kringsjå"

3weeks ago:


2min faster :)
I am getting close to the subway speed!!!
If you take the tube from the closest station it takes about 16min and now I can do it in 19min!!

Haha.. Im gonna beat it one day ;)

You know... I really start wondering about the altitude measurer.
It is completely different to compare exercises in different terrains.
Hummm... my Polar is getting limited! hummm ...and its boring to produce these charts by hand. Although if you do it... this information kinda sticks to your brain!!!
Might be quite inutile to know this information about Oslo terrains, once you can not share it with anyone!!! :D

"...oh, oh, lets go there, I love those 8%

Keep moving, I am planning another 50k ;)

Sunday 8 June 2008

500m swimming

12km cycling uphill + 500m swimming

I found a very nice track of ~10km always uphill side by side with a river. Its great!

Bike = 12km in 49min. I know that its too slow :/
Swim= 32meters/min. I feel my arms now ;)

Its true that I have just been working my legs
nofatmorerunning was reminding me of that I have to train other things them legs, because biking is a quite locally working out.
rogerio Is always reporting big challenges such as multi-sports that I always think its impossible for me :) But why not give it a try at your own rhythm?

Yes, I had my first multi-sport day, swimming in the middle of the cycling tour its just excellent. And since I am going to Lofoten, this seem to match perfectly :) Who knows if I'll have to cross the sea with my bike :)

Ok thats all for today. I will try to take it serious and come back to you with time records.

Tuesday 3 June 2008

"Triathlon" BUT in 3 days :)

I know, I know... this is not a triathlon :) But I am exhausted anyway!!!

The day after the 50k, I have been hiking for 4hours and the day after that I have been skiing for 5hours. Lets see the result once I take my bike again, LOL

Hiking is fantastic but maybe just in Norway because after 1hour you can be 500m above see level and it works very nice your legs.

Skiing ... I am really adicted, but this time it was a very dificult track and it was very warm 25ºC and I didnt enjoy so much. Anyway we bath ourselfs afterwards :) water maybe 5ºC

And by the way it was the best plane trip ever:

When i think of the guys that manage to do a triathlon... wow!!!! I could never do it in one day!!!

....anyway, I need some rest now! what is curious is that after 24h I was completely recovered from the muscles but not from my mind LOL!
I need a massage, does anyone feel like doing it? Its free!

I am tracing a new trip for Thursday morning :)))))))))
and I am preparing a HR post, be patient.

Thursday 29 May 2008

50k before a break!

I am going to be away to ski for 4days, so yesterday I took my first 50k. It was about 2h30m on road.


(+) I love to do it at 8am because of the bike traffic on road. It reminds me on the jam in Lisbon, and the old times driving there. hehehe
(+) Its so nice to feel that you can get anywhere faster than the bus :)
(-) I hate to slow down or stop. It is terrible to get back to the same rhythm. (ex: to fill up your bottle, to pee, to ask directions or be asked...)
(-) I hate to take the same way back home.
(-) I hate when you aim for 50k and you arrive home and you see just 47km :) and then you cant stop LOL
(-) My butt hurts after 50k. Shit!!!! I got a buy a new saddle!

Keep in touch

Tuesday 27 May 2008

Power or Strength?

Today I have checked 2 other gyms in Oslo to ask for a HRmax laboratory test but they dont do it. I am running out of options and I still stick to the theoretical one.

Polar bike computer calculates it automatically because it knows my age so is uses 220-age=194
Last trip I got 89%HRmax and it seems that I cant pass it. Regarding that I remember the people in the gym asking if I am a runner or a biker, because its different. And they told me that to reach my max HR you need to use all your power and not your strength.

I definitely want to work power but when I re-check the cadence in my last charts:
Sprint 1 - 65rpm
Sprint 2 - 75rpm
Sprint 3 - 75rpm
Sprint 4 - 85rpm

A professional told me that anything below 90rpm is strength working. Which means that I am totally wrong, but I believe it is due to my body limitations. We will see how it develops!

In the other hand my cadence shows exactly what happen to our body. As you get tired you feel comfort at higher cadence and thats what happened I guess.
Curiously in all those sprints I has at the same HR :) Its maybe a heart demand :)

Rhythm and Cadence

Rhythm is the word for me.
Since I am on uneven road and I dont know what kind of terrain is coming next, I do have to change gear (thanks to my Deore for being so fast and smooth). Therefore my aim is to maintain always the same cadence/effort/power. I found a constant rhythm very important, then you can focus on other things as breathing not like a crazy animal :)
Yoga helps ;)

RideTime or ExeriseTime?

What is the difference?
and ExeriseTime!

is the time used actively on the exercise.
ExerciseTime is the time spent from the moment you start the device to the moment that you stop the device.

When you transfer the data to your PC, the program often readthe ExerciseTime and instead of the RideTime. "Ridetime is the one used by the Polar for calculations, therefore it might be the one that you are interested in".

To correct this wrong time value, (or in other words, to make the both times match the RideTime), go to Settings/Bike/AutoStart, and set it to ON. Now the RideTime and ExeriseTime should match*.
Didnt find this answer in any forums and decided to test it myself. :) Hope you find it useful as well!

*Even when you set autostart ON the timings will never match exactly. They vary few seconds because the Ride time sensor has a lag to start and stop. But no worries, it is quite accurate!

Monday 26 May 2008

For more graphics:

Check the Label: "6 weeks to Lofoten" on the right menu.

How to map 50Km (Photoshop skills)

How to make a chart out of 50Km with your CS200CAD.
If you master an image edditing program you can make a nice chart to show your friends :)
You need photoshop or illustrator skills.

1 - Set AutoLap [on] in 200m interval.
2 - Set AutoStart [on].
3 - Start your ride and remember that you have to start a new file every 10km due to memory limitations. (200meters intevals x 50laps = 10Km)
4 - Download all files to
5 - Go to the section "Laps graphic" and make a print screen of each one.
6 - Join them in a single file one chart after another by time order and you will notice that the hight scale varies in all charts. Because of that we have to rescale them in photoshop.
Select green bars and rescale to an equivalent unit.

7 - Your charts all together might be now 2meters wide :) Impossible to display on screen. Now shrink them to the size of your screen and.... voilá!

8 - If you're patient/skilled enough then its easy to trace a new vectorial line over HR and Speed and you get a completely clean chart that its easy to read and send my email to your friends.

If you do not want to have all this work, you HAVE to buy POLAR CS400!!!
The price of a chart like this one is 400€!!! ...fodace!